Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Essential Guide to Deliverance by Larry Richards

This book was very informative.  I must admit that I haven’t read many books about demons and deliverance, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.  The information was presented in a very simple way that made it easy to follow.  The author writes about how our lives can be impacted by demons.  If you are interested in recognizing the presence of demons and what needs to happen for these evil spirits to be expelledthen this might be the book for you!

At the end of each chapter there is a “To Talk About” which has questions for the reader.  This is a time for reflection which allowed me to rethink many things.  It was definitely a learning experience for me. 

My biggest take from this book was the reminder of how we need to be careful about things that we hear and read.  EVERYTHING needs to be verified with Scripture from the Bible. 

***disclosure***I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review of this book.

A Squiggly Story by Andrew Larsen and Mike Lowery

This is a picture book about a little boy that has a strong desire to write a story.   He realizes that he is not able to write stories the way that his sister does.  His sisters is awesome!  She becomes a little teachershe encourages him to start writing his story using what he knowswhich is all letters.   He picks a letter and from therehis story emerges.  The young boy soon realizes that stories come from within...we all have our own stories to tell.  
This is a wonderful story to share with children that are beginning their journey of becoming readers and writers.  The beginning scribbles of writing are so important and children need to know that what they are doing is writing!

The book is beautiful illustrated with a comic-strip-style which students will enjoy!

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from NetGalley.  In exchange, I have given an honest review of my thoughts about this book.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Artistic Desktop Organizer Review

I am forever losing things on my desk so I was excited to try the Artistic Desktop Organizer.  Look at that organization!   On my desk at all times I have to have these things: a calendar, my lesson plans, and Post-It Notes with reminders. Notice... I didn't show you the rest of my desk!! 


Maybe it’s just me, but things just seem to get get totally lost on my desk!    I love the clear overlay which allows me to easily lift it up at the bottom and put papers under there that I need to see quickly.   

It has worked out perfectly for me so far.  All the items that are place under the overlay are secure!  They don’t get mixed up with the stacks of papers on my desk.  Love it! 

Here are a few details about this desktop organizer that you might want to know:
  • writing surface is cushioned
  • the base has a nonslip surface 
  • it comes in black (insert sad face)
  • nice size: 24" x 19"
  • Metric and English Ruler 

If you are constantly losing papers on your desk you might want to give this product a try!  Go over to Shoplet to find out more information about this product.  Shoplet has many more products that you might want to check out as well.  They have a wide selection of office supplies, cleaning supplies, medical supplies, office furniture, and many other Artistic products.  

***Disclosure*** I received this product at no charge from Shoplet. In exchange I agreed to write an honest review of this product.  Please note that the opinions expressed here are my own.