Sunday, February 22, 2015

SMEAD is a Need if You want to stay Organanized!!!!!!

These are three wonderful products to help keep you organized.  For me, organization is something I cannot survive without and I love it when I discover office supplies that can make my organization even better.

The SuperTab File Folders come in a package of 6 and are made by SMEAD.  

They are letter-size, have 1/3-cut tabs, and the area for the label is 90% larger than a normal file folder!   This extra space is something I always look for when I purchase file folders.  The pink folders are such a blessing for those of us who want to help support breast cancer awareness.  I have never been disappointed when I have purchased products made by SMEAD.  These folders are sturdy and I know they will last for many years to come.


I quickly fell in love with this dark navy 12-Pocket Stadium File when I realized that it was a tiered file.  

This allows the files to be seen with such ease.  What made the product even sweeter was that it expands!  The file holds folders, 8 ½” x 11” paper and has 1/3-cut tabs.  Labels are included if you are interested in using their preprinted sheets.  To be quite honest I haven’t quite figured out the perfect use for this file. 

As a school teacher, the possibilities are endlessstudent When I figure it out I’ll take a picture and post it. J
The 3-in-1 SuperTab SectionFolders come in a package of twelve with an assortment of colors.I don’t know who first decided to make colored file folders but I love it!   The folders have the larger label area, have 1/3-cut tabs, and are green compliant for those that prefer to purchase eco-friendly products.  These folders have something extra that caught my attention immediately.  You have the option of whether to use the folder in a vertical or lateral position!    

Instead of have just two pockets there are 3 and there is a “lockit’ flap that keeps papers in place.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve carried a file and ended up losing items out of them.  This is definitely a feature I am going to like!
When you have a few minutes and are ready to do some serious shopping, check out all these products at   You will find a nice selection of  promotional productsmedical supplies and office stationary.

I received the above mentioned items for free and in exchange, I agreed to give my honest opinion of each of these products.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Shoplet Review: GeckoTech Reusable Hooks and Duck Tape


          Admit are just a tiny bit jealous that these Office Supplies weren't delivered to your front door!!!   I know I would be if they had been delivered to you instead of me!!!!

         There were two packages of GeckTech Reusable Hooks.  One holds up to 3 pounds and the other up to 5 pounds.   To be quiet honest, I haven’t figured out the perfect place for these babies yet.   I’m  A-L-W-A-Y-S  loosing my keys, so I thought the front door would be that place.  It easily attached itself to the door and the keys fit on the hook perfectlythe problem was that they keys rubbed against the doorNope not a good place.    

Next I hung a rather large bag that I take to work on the hook.  I must admit the contents in the bag were not very heavy, however the hook itself was too small to hold the strap of the bag very well. 

I decided to leave the hook on the door for several days until I could think of a permanent place to put it.  It was very easy to remove!  All it took was a little heat from my blow dryer and it peeled right off.  I ran into problems around my house because everywhere I wanted to put the hook it would not stick because of the surface.  Unfortunately all my walls are either wallpapered, or textured and they will not work on those types of surfaces.    These Reusable Hooks work on painted surfaces (just not textured & flat or matte), glass, laminate, stainless steel, and tile.  I just need to figure out what to use them for and where!!!  Any suggestions???   

          The other product was a package of Duck Packaging Tape (which is pretty excitingbecause I go through oodles of Duck Tape in my classroom!)   The packaging claimed that this particular tape dispenser would not make any noise while being used.  I found that kind of amusing because I know how annoying the sounds can be while dispensing tape!!   But do you know what!!!! It was amazingly quiet.  While my students were completing their morning work, I made some little books for them and I always reinforce the stapled binding with Duck Tape.  Nothing!!!  Not a peep out of that dispenser!  You’ll have to try it yourself if you don’t believe me.

If you are shopping for office supplies or office stationary, I encourage you to check out  They also have a nice selection of  Promotional Products if you are looking for new ideas to promote anything!!  

Disclosure:  I received samples of these products from in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed are my very own and I did not receive any other compensation,