Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hammermill Laser Print Office Paper Review

I recently received a ream of Hammermill Laser Paper to test out on my printer.   I know, I know… you are probably thinking that paper is paper!  But let me just tell you right now that there are some big differences between copy papers!!!

I do not like paper jams at all.  It irritates me…especially when I’m in a hurry (and I’m always in a hurry!)  I try to stick with the same brand of copy paper, because I want to avoid those nasty jams!.  But I decided to give this paper a try.   I was pretty confident that I wouldn't have any problems...because the package claims that the paper is 99.99% JAM-FREE!!!!

When I opened this package of Hammermill Laser paper, I noticed that this paper had a different feel to it.  I’m not sure how to describe it…Soft?  Silky?  Satiny?  The color is also brighter than my normal brand.  I tried to take a picture to show you… but with my flash it was impossible to see the difference.  

I printed several different pages using my printer and encountered absolutely not problems at all.  Yeah!!!  It was a 100% JAM-FREE for me!!!!!

I also received an adorable little stuffed zebra.  I have a black Labrador that loves stuffed animals, but I decided that I wouldn’t share it with her…because…well, she has a tendency to disfigure them.  J 

This coffee mug was also sent in my package and I love it!  This isn’t just an ordinary coffee mug either!  When it gets hot, it changes scenery…how cool is that!!!! 

Please take some time today and go and spend some time looking around at Shoplet.com.  They have such an amazing variety of items!  The large selection of  office supplies, cleaning suppliesmedical supplies, and office furniture will keep you busy for a while!  The best part… there are no traffic jams.  J

Disclosure: I received this Hammermill Laser Print Paper from Shoplet.com free of charge.  In exchange, I have given an honest review of this product.  

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